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160+ Get To Know You Questions For Kids To Get Them To Talk

160+ Get To Know You Questions For Kids To Get Them To Talk

While kids go through phases when all they want to do is ask questions, there will be times when you’ll find it difficult to get them to open up and talk to you about their day, especially as they get older.

With the help of get to know you questions for kids, you’ll get your little ones talking about their day and get their unique perspective on life!

When you ask kids general questions such as “What did you do today?” you’ll probably get a blanket response like “Nothing.”

But the right question, such as “What was your favorite part of today?” will get them talking in no time!

I’ve also included some really fun questions you can take turns answering with your kiddo so you can learn from each other!

They also make for great conversation starters with other kids when you’re hosting a sleepover, for example.

Feel free to adjust these get to know you questions for kids according to your munchkin’s age and interests – they’re sure to spark some eye-opening conversations!

If You…?

oung mother talking to a girl and putting milk in a glass

Get to know you questions for kids that start with “If you…” are so much fun – there’s nothing better than talking about what you’d do in hypothetical situations!

1. If you could do whatever you wanted for a day, what would you do?

2. If you were given $100, what would you spend it on?

3. If you could have a superpower, which one would it be?

4. If you had to eat one kind of food for the rest of your life, which one would you pick?

5. If you had the power to change one thing about your life, what would you change?

6. If you could be anyone in the world for one day, who would you choose?

7. If you could relive any day, which day would you pick?

8. If you could go back in time, which period of history would you go back to?

9. If you could transform into an animal, which animal would you be?

10. If you needed to go to the North Pole, what would you need to pack?

11. If you could be any celebrity in the world, who would you choose?

12. If you could be any video game character, who would you be?

13. If you had to cook all meals tomorrow, what would you serve for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?

14. If you could change anything about school, what would you change?

15. If you could be any book character, who would you be?

16. If you could be grown up for a day, what would be your job?

17. If you could change your age for a day, how old would you be?

18. If you could change one thing about your room, what would you change?

19. If you could live inside a cartoon, which one would you choose?

20. If you could teleport anywhere in the world, where would you go?

mother and daughter talking at home

21. If you could change your hair color, which color would you pick?

22. If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?

23. If you had to listen to only one song for the rest of your life, which one would it be?

24. If you were a superhero, what would you be called?

25. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?

26. If you could spend a day with a character from your favorite book, who would it be, what would you do, and where would you go?

27. If you could be a ghost, would you scare people or would you leave them alone?

28. If you were a powerful superhero but had only one weakness, what would it be?

29. If you had to use only one social media network for the rest of your life, which one would it be?

30. If you could be president for a day, what would you do?

31. If you could call anyone in the world right now, who would you call?

32. If you saw a friend cheating on a test, would you tell the teacher or not?

33. If your best friend started hanging out with someone you don’t like, what would you do?

34.If you could be super talented at one sport, which one would it be?

35. If you could be a teacher for a day, which subject would you teach?

36. If your favorite teacher said they were going to teach at another school, what would your reaction be?

37. If you were a bird for a day, what would you do?

38. If you could only have one flavor of ice cream for the rest of your life, which one would it be?

39. If you could change school hours, what would they be?

40. If you could add one subject to the school curriculum, which one would you add?

happy mother sitting with kids and talking

41. If you could understand only one animal, which animal would it be?

42. If you had to travel to a planet in the solar system, which one would you go to and who would you take with you?

43. If you could see into the future, what would you do with the information?

44. If you could learn how to play any musical instrument, which one would you choose?

45. If you could wake up tomorrow and speak a foreign language fluently, which one would it be?

46. If you could pick one famous person to be your brother or sister, who would you choose?

47. If you had to do only one chore for the rest of your life, which one would it be?

48. If you were stuck in a shopping mall overnight, what would you do?

49. If you could buy whatever you wanted in the world, what is the first thing you would get?

50. If you could change one rule at home, which one would you choose?

51. If you didn’t have to go to school today, what would you have done instead?

52. If you found out that you were a witch or a wizard, would you tell everyone or keep it a secret?

53. If you were a basketball player, what would be the number on your jersey?

54. If you had to pick the best gift you ever received, which one would it be?

55. If you could make one of your toys talk, which one would it be?

56. If you were an adult for a day, how would you spend your time?

57. If you had to give up one of your favorite toys forever, which one would you choose?

58. If you were the parent and I was your child, which rules would you make me follow?

59. If you were a famous author, what would you write books about?

60. If you ran your own restaurant, what kind of food would you serve?

dad talking with kids

61. If you had to wear a uniform to school, how would you feel?

62. If you had older/younger siblings, do you think you would get along with them?

63. If you had to spend a day without your TV/computer/smartphone, what would you do?

64. If you were stuck on an abandoned island, what three items would you bring with you?

65. If you could live inside a movie, which movie would you choose?

66. If you had your own YouTube channel, what would it be about?

67. If you were a parent, would you make everyone eat at the dinner table or would you eat in front of the TV?

68. If you were going to meet your favorite actor/singer/athlete, what would go on your list of questions for that person?

69. If you were building your own treehouse, how would you decorate it?

70. If you could swim to the bottom of the ocean, what do you think you would see?

71. If you were a doctor for a day, what kind of illness would you treat?

72. If you had to work at your favorite restaurant for a month, would you get tired of their food?

73. If you could compete in the Olympics, which sport would you choose?

74. If you woke up tomorrow morning in a different body and in a different family, what would you do?

75. If you could have your own pet robot, what would you name it?

76. If you discovered that aliens were real, who would be the first person you would tell?

77. If you could travel to a distant galaxy but this meant spending 10 years away from home, would you still do it?

78. If we could go to the beach right now, what would be the first thing you do when we get there?

Would You Rather……?

happy family with shopping bags

These get to know you questions for kids make for a great icebreaker activity and are a fun way to pass time while you’re driving, too.

1. Would you rather be a famous actor or a famous football player?

2. Would you rather spend the day with me at work or go to school?

3. Would you rather have a cat or a dog?

4. Would you rather spend the summer at the beach or Disneyland?

5. Would you rather go to the Moon or to Mars?

6. Would you rather be able to teleport or to read minds?

7. Would you rather be able to drive a car or ride a motorbike?

8. Would you rather spend the day playing video games or go to the park?

9. Would you rather have ice cream or cookies for dinner every night?

10. Would you rather spend a week at an amusement park or in a foreign country?

11. Would you rather have a lot of money or be able to pause time whenever you want to?

12. Would you rather find out aliens exist or that animals can understand everything we say?

13. Would you rather eat chicken nuggets or hot dogs for the rest of your life?

14. Would you rather learn how to drive a car or fly a plane?

15. Would you rather be a member of the royal family or the CEO of an important company?

16. Would you rather be famous and unhappy or a regular person but happy?

17. Would you rather go see a movie or go to your favorite restaurant?

18. Would you rather eat your least favorite meal or clean the bathroom?

19. Would you rather travel by ship or by train?

What Is Your Favorite…?

young mother talking with her little girl

1. What is your favorite subject at school?

2. What is your favorite movie?

3. What is your favorite part of school?

4. What is your favorite activity we do as a family?

5. What is your favorite part about the weekend?

6. What is your favorite color?

7. What is your favorite memory?

8. What is your favorite place we visited?

9. What is the funniest thing that happened at school?

10. What is your favorite TV show?

11. What is your favorite item of clothing?

12. What is your favorite part about visiting your grandparents?

13. What is your favorite part of summer holidays?

14. What is your favorite season of the year?

15. What is your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?

16. What was your favorite part of your day?

17. What is your favorite meal of the day?

18. What is your favorite thing about a sleepover?

19. What was your favorite part of your last birthday party?

Open-Ended Get To Know You Questions For Kids

mother and daughter cuddling and talking

1. What makes someone a good friend?

2. Is there anything about your school day you don’t like?

3. ​What do you think will be different when you start middle school?

4. What is your favorite thing to do after school?

5. What is the worst thing about going to school and why?

6. How would you change your chores?

7. Is there anything that recently happened to you that you think is unfair?

8. What makes someone a good teacher?
9. What is the craziest thing that happened to you in the past couple of weeks?

10. How would you feel if we had to move and you needed to change schools?

11. Why do you think it’s important to know how to keep a secret?

12. What do you think about kids who are spoiled?

13. Why do you think it’s important to respect our elders?

14. How can you show someone that you care about them?

15. How can you apologize to someone to let them know you’re truly sorry?

16. Is it important to get someone a birthday gift, and why?

17. Why do you think it’s important to meet people from different countries?

18. How would your life be different if you were born in a different country?

19. What would you like to do when you grow up and why?

20. Do you think it’s easier to care for a baby or a puppy, and why?

young mother with kids playing on bed

21. How do you think life was different 100 years ago?

22. How do you think life will change in the next 100 years?

23. How do you feel when you get a good grade?

24. Why do you think it’s important to share?

25. Do you think math is more important than being creative?

26. Why do you think it matters to do what makes you happy?

27. What do you think happens if you don’t go to college?

28. Why is it so important to be confident?

29. What’s the best part about having a brother / having a sister / being an only child?

30. What happens when you don’t study hard at school?

31. Why do people like social media so much?

32. What do you think people did for fun before computers and smartphones?

33. What is the hardest part about being your age?

34. What do you think is the hardest part about being grown up?

35. Do you think watching a movie at the movie theater is always better than watching it at home? Why?

36. Why do you think people want to be popular?

37. Is it more important to have many friends who don’t treat you well or to just have a few friends but who treat you well?

38. Would you like to be friends with older kids or not? Why?

39. Do you think college is harder than school? Why?

40. Do you think it’s okay when kids copy homework? Why?

young mother smiling with her son

41. When someone acts like a bully, why do you think they do that?

42. Did you ever receive a gift that you didn’t like and how did you respond to it?

43. When you have your own car one day, what is the first place you’ll drive to?

44. Do you think it’s better to live in a big city or a small town?

45. Why do you think some people keep strange pets like snakes or spiders?

46. When you grow up and move out, would you prefer to live alone or with a roommate? Why?

47. What did you dream about last night?

48. Where do you think dreams come from?

49. Why do you think we have nightmares?

To Wrap Up

From funny questions to open-ended questions, I hope this list encourages your kids to communicate with you and build your parent-child bond.

Sometimes it can be hard to connect with our children, particularly as they start school, make their own friends, and don’t always see their mom and dad as their closest confidants.

These get to know you questions for kids can also help your little one explore his imagination and think of how he’d react in unusual situations.

Remember that each conversation is an opportunity to learn and grow, even when you’re talking about improbable scenarios like traveling to other galaxies!

READ NEXT: 400 Fun Questions To Ask Kids (To Get To Know Them Better)

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