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Baby Hair Growth Milestones – When Do Babies Grow Eyebrows?

Baby Hair Growth Milestones – When Do Babies Grow Eyebrows?

Every baby has milestones to reach, both big and small, and their parents will have lots of questions, like: When do babies start crawling? When do babies learn how to talk or say mama? When do babies grow eyebrows?

The last question is the trickiest to answer. I’ve seen babies born with no eyebrows or hair and I’ve also seen babies born with both.

As you might guess, the answer to this question is quite complex.

Before diving into the details, here’s a quick answer: Some babies are born with visible eyebrows, and some babies are born with no (invisible) eyebrows.

The pace of eyebrow growth varies from baby to baby and depends on several other factors.

If you’re wondering when your baby’s eyebrows will finally grow, read on to find out everything you need to know about this mini-milestone.

When Do Babies Grow Eyebrows?

adorable smiling newborn baby

Every baby is unique, and therefore reaches milestones at their own pace.

This means each baby’s hair color, hair growth, and eyebrow hair will be different.

Despite these differences, most babies share a similar pattern of hair growth.

But when do babies grow eyebrows?

The hair follicles of a baby’s eyebrows grow around the 22nd week of pregnancy.

A baby’s hair follicles don’t actually form after birth, but while the baby is still in the womb.

Another interesting fact is that all baby hair (irrespective of the baby’s ethnicity) grows without pigment in the womb.

With time, pigment begins to develop in the hair of some infants, particularly if the child has dark hair.

Babies born with voluminous locks will still have thin and silky hair. For this reason, most babies will have very light eyebrows that almost look invisible.

In summary: Your little one can technically have eyebrows, but this doesn’t mean they will be visible to you.

The early stages of hair growth will last until your baby is approximately 8 to 12 weeks old.

After the early phase, she will gradually enter the intermediate phase where her hair begins to shed. At this point, your baby’s eyebrows will also become thicker and more visible.

This change of color and texture starts at around 2-3 months, which is when babies’ eyebrows, including their eyelashes, become more visible.

Some babies are born with dark hair, which means their eyebrows will also be visible when they’re born.

Some babies are born with no hair at all, which means that their eyebrows won’t be visible either.

So, when do babies’ eyebrows grow in?

Keep in mind that the visibility and texture of a baby’s eyebrows greatly depend on their genetics, but any baby born after 22 weeks of pregnancy does have eyebrows more or less visible to the eye.

Are Babies Born With Eyebrows Or Do They Develop After Birth?

Cute infant baby on a white bed

When do babies grow eyebrows? Are they born with them or do they develop after the baby is born?

Babies develop eyebrows after around 22 weeks of pregnancy. This means that any baby who is born after 22 weeks has eyebrows (this includes premature babies).

Given that newborn hair is extra light and thin, it might look like your baby doesn’t even have eyebrows, but there’s no need to worry about that!

Every baby goes through different hair growth stages, where both the hair and eyebrows become thicker and darker over time.

Simply put, the older your baby gets, the more accentuated her eyebrows will become.

Premature Babies Need More Time For Hair Growth

You probably already know that premature babies need more time to reach almost every milestone.

For example, most babies start rolling over after around three months, but premature babies might need more time.

The same thing applies to hair growth. I’ve seen some premature babies born without eyebrows or eyelashes (this is especially true for babies born before the 35-week mark).

If this is the case for your child, there’s nothing to worry about. Your baby will develop eyebrows and reach all the other milestones with time.

Do Baby’s Eyebrows Tend To Change Color Over Time?

Baby with bright blue eyes in white bed

Yes, as your baby grows older, her eyebrows will go through different stages. Over time, they will become thicker and more visible.

Sometimes, your baby’s eyebrows might even change color.

As a matter of fact, your baby’s eyebrows will probably change color as she grows.

There are some babies who are born with blonde hair (peach fuzz hair) that becomes darker (brown or black hair) over time.

Also, some baby’s hair can turn from brown hair to red within the first 12 months of their lives.

Hair is not the only thing susceptible to color changes, eyebrows can change color too. Actually, these two things are interconnected.

Keep in mind that you shouldn’t be surprised if your baby’s hair or eyebrows keep changing colors the first few months after birth.

It will take a bit of time until her fine hair turns into its final shade of color.

Normally, a babies’ final shade of color is established by their second birthday.

How To Help Your Baby Grow Eyebrows

Some babies have very fine hair, which means their eyebrows will be almost invisible to the eye.

Some parents are impatient or anxious about this, so they start looking for remedies to help promote growth for their baby’s eyebrows.

If you’re one of these parents, I have some good news for you!

There are several home remedies any parent can try with their baby, but you should know that the efficacy of these remedies is not scientifically proven.

So, if you happen to notice any discomfort or skin irritation on your baby, you should stop using that home remedy and/or consult with your pediatrician or doctor.

Let’s have a look at the options:

1. Aloe vera

Aloe vera essential oil

The pulp of aloe vera is beneficial for many conditions, including promoting hair growth and restoring skin.

All you need to do is apply aloe vera pulp to your baby’s eyebrow area and leave it for approximately half an hour.

After that, rinse it thoroughly (you can use wet wipes for this).

Note: Don’t use commercial products that contain aloe vera because they might contain harmful ingredients and be unsuitable for your little one.

2. Coconut oil

Coconut with coconut oil

I’m always excited to write about coconut oil because I have been using it myself for many years now. I use it for my body (instead of commercial body lotions) and also for my hair.

I’m truly amazed at how beneficial and magical coconut oil is (and I’m not exaggerating).

My skin still looks and feels like a baby’s skin, and my hair has become thicker and more voluminous ever since I started using it.

Best of all, coconut oil is safe for every type of skin, including babies.

Apply the coconut oil to your baby’s eyebrows by gently massaging it into your baby’s eyebrow area. You’ll see the benefits of using coconut oil really quickly!

The best option is to choose a virgin, food-grade coconut oil.

3. Keep your baby healthy and well-fed

young mother holding baby and feeding with breast milk from bottle

The best way to promote your child’s development and growth is by keeping her healthy and well-fed.

If you can, always choose breastfeeding over formula feeding because breast milk has all the nutrients necessary for your child’s health.

As long as your baby is eating regularly and stays healthy, her eyebrows will grow over time. They will become thicker and darker in color.

Instead of constantly worrying about when do babies grow eyebrows, allow things to develop on their own.

This means the best thing you can do for your baby is keep her healthy and well-fed, and just let her develop at her own pace.


When should I become concerned about my baby’s hair loss?

Surprised kid with cute brown eyes

While some parents are worried about when do babies grow eyebrows, others are concerned about their baby’s hair loss.

The thing to remember is, some kids come into this world with a full head of hair, whereas others are born without any hair.

Both of these are completely normal, so there’s no need to worry.

Also, if your baby is born with a full head of hair, but eventually loses it after a few months, you shouldn’t worry either.

Remember, every baby’s hair grows at its own unique pace.

Another reason why an infant might go through hair loss is because of cradle cap.

The reason this happens is still unknown, and doctors say cradle cap doesn’t happen because of allergies, poor hygiene, or infections caused by bacteria.

Doctors think cradle cap is actually an overreaction of the sebaceous glands, which occurs due to hormonal changes after the baby is born.

The baby’s scalp is unable to absorb extra oil, which might result in a fungal infection.

All of this causes the yellow and orange coating to develop on the scalp.

If the cradle cap is at an advanced stage, it may be the reason for your baby’s hair loss.

But don’t be scared, your baby’s hair will eventually grow back.

Should I use commercial products that promise instant eyebrow growth?

cute baby with brown hair

Whichever body part you name, there are tons of commercial products that promise to instantly make your hair grow or make you skinny in record time.

The keyword here is record time.

Driven by this commercial mania, you might be tempted to use products like these on your baby as well, but you shouldn’t.

People who sell these commercial products will never tell you how harmful they actually are due to the chemicals they contain. Now imagine what products like these will do to your baby’s sensitive skin.

These products will not only harm your baby’s eyebrows, but God forbid they end up in your baby’s eyes when applying them.

So, to save you time and money (because these products often cost an arm and a leg), avoid using commercial products not only for eyebrows but for any part of your baby’s hair and body.

Keep in mind that every healthy baby will develop eyebrows eventually, so there’s no need to accelerate this process by using harmful commercial products.

With all that being said, here’s another common misconception: Shaving your infant’s hair will make it thicker.

This is not true at all. If you shave your baby’s head, her hair will only temporarily look darker and/or thicker. There are no other long-term benefits.

Can I draw fake eyebrows on my baby?

young mother drawing fake eyebrows on her baby face

Recently, there’s been an unfortunate trend on the internet where people draw funny eyebrows on their children.

While there’s nothing stopping you from drawing fake eyebrows on your baby, I can’t encourage it in good conscience.

I personally wouldn’t recommend doing it, not just because I don’t think it’s funny or amusing, but because it could be harmful to your baby.

Your baby’s sensitive skin absorbs almost everything that you apply to it into the bloodstream), so it isn’t ever wise to draw fake eyebrows with eyeliners or other makeup on your baby.

You’d feel absolutely terrible if you hurt your baby’s eyes during the application.

Also, it’s not recommended for you to get your eyebrows microbladed if you’re breastfeeding.


So, when do babies grow eyebrows?

Technically, babies born after 22 weeks of pregnancy already have eyebrows but they may not be visible.

Baby’s hair, including eyebrows, grows in different stages and at its own pace.

Over time, a baby’s eyebrows become thicker and might even change their color.

If you’re worried about your baby’s eyebrows, avoid using commercial products that promise instant hair growth.

Instead, you can try natural home remedies like coconut oil or aloe vera.

Most importantly, keep your newborn baby healthy and well-fed, and everything else will fall into place.

Note: The information provided in this article is only meant as general advice and for educational purposes.

If you have any concerns about your baby’s hair growth/eyebrows, consult with your doctor or pediatrician.

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