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130+ Heartwarming And Inspirational Expecting Baby Quotes

130+ Heartwarming And Inspirational Expecting Baby Quotes

Pregnancy is one of the most special, most precious moments in every woman’s life.

But the fact is, it can also be pretty intimidating. That’s why we compiled this list of wonderful expecting baby quotes to encourage and inspire you on this beautiful journey.

If this is your first pregnancy, it’s normal to feel a little bit scared sometimes. You’re aware that a whole new life is in front of you.

Perhaps you aren’t sure you will adjust well to your new role, the magnificent, yet challenging, mother role.

You’ll sometimes wonder whether you’re doing a good job or not. Or maybe, at times, you’ll spend the entire night crying and blaming yourself for not being a perfect mother.

All those things are normal. But just remember, almost every new mom had to go through all those same things.

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Maybe it was an unexpected pregnancy. Maybe you’re dealing with nausea, back pain or any other not so great sides of pregnancy. Maybe you don’t have any symptoms at all and you’re enjoying every moment of your pregnancy.

These inspiring expecting baby quotes will show you that it’s all irrelevant. Once you take your beautiful baby in your arms for the first time, and you see their beautiful eyes and their heart-melting smile, you’ll forget about all those other things. ​​​​

If you’re in the last trimester, try not to worry too much about the due date and things related to birth in general. After all, those are all things that are out of your control.

Expecting Baby Quotes

​Another good thing about these beautiful expecting baby quotes is that you can also use them as pregnancy announcement quotes, or decor for your baby shower.

1. “Carrying a baby is the most rewarding experience a woman can enjoy.” – Jayne Mansfield

2. “Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.” – Elizabeth Stone

3. “Expecting a baby is just the beginning, there are so many precious moments to look forward to as your baby grows.” – Unknown

4. “The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new. And so in you the child your mother lives on and through your family continues to live… so at this time look after yourself and your family, as you would your mother, for through you all she will truly never die.” – Osho

Expecting Baby Quotes:

5. “Birthing is the most profound initiation to spirituality a woman can have.” – Robin Lim

6. “A child is the most rewarding experience a parent can have.” – Unknown

7. “All those cliches, those things you hear about having a baby and motherhood—all of them are true. And all of them are the most beautiful things you will ever experience.” – Penelope Cruz

8. “A parent’s love for their beautiful little baby can only grow with each passing day.” – Unknown

9. “If I am thinking correctly,” said Pooh, “a new baby is probably, undoubtedly, the grandest gift that could ever be.” – Winnie The Pooh

10. “A mother does not become pregnant in order to provide employment to medical people. Giving birth is an ecstatic jubilant adventure not available to males. It is a woman’s crowning creative experience of a lifetime.” – John Stevenson

11. “A baby is something you carry inside you for nine months, in your arms for three years, and in your heart until the day you die.” – Mary Mason

12. “When they finally place the baby in your arms and you notice that smile, you suddenly feel a surge of overwhelming, unconditional love that you never felt before.” – Unknown

13. “Having a baby is like having a bit of heaven right here on earth.” – Unknown

14. “There is no way out of the experience except through it because it is not really your experience at all but the baby’s. Your body is the child’s instrument of birth.” – Penelope Leach

15. “Life’s biggest miracle is the gift of having a life growing inside of you.” – Unknown

16. “You are the closest I will ever come to magic.” – Suzanne Finnamore

17. “I believe the choice to become a mother is the choice to become one of the greatest spiritual teachers there is.” – Oprah

18. “The amazing thing about becoming a parent is that you will never again be your own first priority.” – Olivia Wilde

19. “All the sleepless nights make it worth the effort when you are rewarded with a baby’s adorable smile.” – Unknown

20. “Before you were conceived, I wanted you. Before you were born, I loved you. Before you were here an hour, I would die for you. This is the miracle of Mother’s Love.” – Maureen Hawkins

Expecting Baby Quotes:

21. “You’ll learn to lower your expectations about what you can accomplish in a day. Some days, it will be all you can do to keep the baby safe, warm, and fed. And that will be enough.” – Unknown

22. “Babies should be classified as an antidepressant. It’s pretty hard to be in a bad mood around a 5-month-old baby.” – Jim Gaffigan

23. “A baby makes love stronger, the days shorter, the nights longer, savings smaller, and a home happier.” – Unknown

24. “A baby is a blessing. A gift from heaven above, a precious little angel to cherish and to love.” – Unknown

25. “When a parent rests their eyes on their new baby, it is love at first sight.” – Unknown

26. “Birth is the epicenter of women’s power.” – Ani DiFranco

27. “A new baby is like the beginning of all things-wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities.” – Eda J. Le Shan

28. “The life of a mother is the life of a child: you are two blossoms on a single branch.” – Karen Maezen Miller

29. “I like to think of motherhood as a great big adventure. You set off on a journey, you don’t really know how to navigate things, and you don’t exactly know where you’re going or how you’re going to get there.” – Cynthia Rowley

30. “Having a baby is a life-changer. It gives you a whole other perspective on why you wake up every day.” – Taylor Hanson

31. “Babies are always more trouble than you thought – and more wonderful.” – Charles Osgood

32. “A new baby is like the beginning of all things-wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities.” – Eda Leshan

33. “Children bring us a piece of heaven on earth.” – Roland Leonhardt

34. “Motherhood is the biggest gamble in the world. It is the glorious life force. It’s huge and scary—it’s an act of infinite optimism.” – Gilda Radner

35. “There are hard days in motherhood, but looking at your baby sleeping reminds you why it’s all worth it.” – Kara Ferwerda

36. “There is nothing like a newborn baby to renew your spirit and to buttress your resolve to make the world a better place.” – Virginia Kelley

37. “Having a baby is one of the most wonderful things in life, as well as the hardest thing in your life.” – Nuno Bettencourt

38. “Mothers and their children are in a category all their own. There’s no bond so strong in the entire world. No love so instantaneous and forgiving.” – Gail Tsukiyama

39. “If you are a mom, you are a superhero, period.” – Rosie Pope

40. “Just as there is no warning for childbirth, there is no preparation for the sight of a first child. There should be a song for women to sing at this moment, or a prayer to recite. But perhaps there is none because there are no words strong enough to name that moment.” – Anita Diamant

41. “Babies are bits of star-dust blown from the hand of God. Lucky is the woman who knows the pangs of birth for she has held a star.” – Larry Barretto

42. “When a baby comes, you can smell two things: the smell of flesh, which smells like chicken soup, and the smell of lilies, the flower of another garden, the spiritual garden.” – Carlos Santana

43. “Ten little fingers, ten perfect toes, fill our hearts with love that overflows.” – Unknown

44. “With every newborn baby, a little sun rises.” – Irmgard Erath

45. “A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten and the future worth living for.” – Unknown

46. “In giving birth to our babies, we may find that we give birth to new possibilities within ourselves.” – Myla and Jon Kabat-Zinn

47. “Every child born into the world is a new thought of God, an ever-fresh and radiant possibility.” – Kate Douglas Wiggin

48. “A baby fills a place in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

49. “When your first baby drops her pacifier, you sterilize it. When your second baby drops her pacifier, you tell the dog: ‘Fetch!’” – Bruce Lansky

50. “Babies are like little suns that, in a magical way, bring warmth, happiness, and light into our lives.” – Kartini Diapari-Oengider

51. “Birth is an opportunity to transcend. To rise above what we are accustomed to, reach deeper inside ourselves than we are familiar with, and to see not only what we are truly made of, but the strength we can access in and through birth.” – Marcie Marcari

52. “A strong intention, a relaxed body and an open mind are the main ingredients for an active birth.” – Janet Balaskas

53. “Having kids feel like that first seventh-grade crush that overwhelms every molecule in your body, but it’s permanent.” – Kristen Bell

54. “You are proof that love before first sight does exist.” – Araceli M. Ream

55. “You never understand life until it grows inside of you.” – Sandra C. Kassis

56. “Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother.” – Lin Yutang

57. “Sometimes when you pick up your child you can feel the map of your own bones beneath your hands, or smell the scent of your skin in the nape of his neck. This is the most extraordinary thing about motherhood – finding a piece of yourself separate and apart that all the same you could not live without.” – Jodi Picoult

58. “You never know how much your parents loved you until you have a child to love.” – Jennifer Hudson

59. “Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged by man.” – Rabindranath Tagore

60. “A miracle is really the only way to describe motherhood and giving birth. It’s unbelievable how God has made us women and babies to endure and be able to do so much. A miracle, indeed. Such an incredible blessing.” – Jennie Finch

61. “We have a secret in our culture, and it’s not that birth is painful. It’s that women are strong.” – Laura Stavoe Harm

62. “A new little baby to cuddle and love, to spoil just a little and think the world of. A bundle from Heaven to simply adore, now who in the world could ask for more!” – Unknown

63. “I don’t know who you’ll be, but I know you’ll be my everything.” – Unknown

64. “I loved you from the very start. You stole my breath, embraced my heart. Our life together will soon begin. You’re already a part of me, my little, precious one.” – Unknown

65. “Having a baby is like falling in love again, both with your husband and your child.” – Tina Brown

66. “I might only carry my baby inside me for nine months, and in my arms for a few short years, but I will forever hold them in my heart no matter how big they get.” – Unknown

Funny And Inspirational Pregnancy Quotes

1. “Pregnancy is getting company inside one’s skin.” – Maggie Scarf

2. “Going into a pregnancy is a really challenging time for a woman, because it’s forever-changing, both mentally and physically.” – Brooke Burke

3. “It makes me feel like a woman. It makes me feel that all the things about my body are suddenly there for a reason. It makes you feel round and supple, and to have a little life inside you is amazing.” – Angelina Jolie

4. “To be pregnant is to be vitally alive, thoroughly woman, and distressingly inhabited. Soul and spirit are stretched – along with body – making pregnancy a time of transition, growth, and profound beginnings.” – Anne Christian Buchanan

Expecting baby quotes:

5. “Just knowing you are going to meet the love of your life makes all the waiting, all the labor pain, and all the unknown worth it.” – Unknown

6. “In pregnancy, there are two bodies, one inside the other. Two people live under one skin. When so much of life is dedicated to maintaining our integrity as distinct beings, this bodily tandem is an uncanny fact.” – Joan Raphael-Leff

7. “Every four weeks I go up a bra size… it’s worth being pregnant just for the breasts.” – Natasha Hamilton

8. “People always say that pregnant women have a glow. And I say it’s because you’re sweating to death.” – Jessica Simpson

9. “You are pregnant and you are powerful. You are bold and you are beautiful. Go forward in your boldness, in your beauty and in your contentedness. Trust your body to birth and know that the collective power of women worldwide will be with you.” – Unknown

10. “If I had my life to live over, instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I’d have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle.” – Erma Bombeck

11. “It is the most powerful creation to have a life that is growing inside of you. There is no bigger gift.” – Beyonce

12. “Whether your pregnancy was meticulously planned, medically coaxed, or happened by surprise, one thing is certain—your life will never be the same.” – Catherine Jones

13. “Think of stretch marks as pregnancy service stripes.” – Joyce Armor

14. “Pregnant women! They had that weird frisson, an aura of magic that combined awkwardly with an earthy sense of duty. Mundane, because they were nothing unique on the suburban streets; ethereal because their attention was ever somewhere else. Whatever you said was trivial. And they had that preciousness which they imposed wherever they went, compelling attention, constantly reminding you that they carried the future inside, its contours already drawn, but veiled, private, an inner secret.” – Ruth Morgan

15. “No matter how bad my day’s been, it takes one little kick to make everything feel alright.” – Unknown

16. “Everything grows rounder and wider and weirder, and I sit here in the middle of it all and wonder who in the world you will turn out to be.” – Carrie Fisher

17. “Let us make pregnancy an occasion when we appreciate our female bodies.” – Merete Leonhardt-Lupa

18. “A mother’s joy begins when new life is stirring inside… when a tiny heartbeat is heard for the very first time, and a playful kick reminds her that she is never alone.” – Unknown

19. “Being pregnant finally helped me understand what my true relationship was with my body – meaning that it wasn’t put on this earth to look good in a swimsuit.” – Amy Adams

20. “I’m never as happy as when I’m pregnant. I literally would have 10 babies if I could!” – Tori Spelling

21. “Pregnancy is a process that invites you to surrender to the unseen force behind all life.” –Judy Ford

22. “Feeling fat lasts nine months, but the joy of becoming a mom lasts forever.” – Nikki Dalton

23. “Being pregnant means every day is another day closer to meeting the other love of my life.” – Unknown

24. “Truthfully, being pregnant is changing me as a person. Each day is part of this amazing journey that has completely shifted the focus of my life and made me reevaluate my personal and professional goals.” – Holly Madison

25. “Part of being a parent is rolling with the punches, so consider an unexpected pregnancy the universe’s way of helping you to learn to do that.” – Heather Wittenberg

26. “Pregnancy is nine months of cheat days.” – Unknown

27. “Being pregnant is all about being fully alive, it is about being a complete woman, and it is a period of growing, transition, and of new beginnings in the journey of life.” – Unknown

28. “Your pregnant elephant ankles will return to normal. Just hang in there.” – Adriel Booker

29. “Pregnancy changes you as a person. It is this amazing journey that shifts your focus and pushes you to re-evaluate your life and priorities.” – Unknown

30. “We can’t understand when we’re pregnant, or when our siblings are expecting, how profound it is to have a shared history with a younger generation: blood, genes, humor. It means we were actually here, on Earth, for a time—like the Egyptians with their pyramids, only with children.” – Anne Lamott

31. “I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: not enjoying every minute of pregnancy doesn’t make you a bad mom, or a bad person, or an unappreciative human. You can be grateful and excited about the ability to have a baby, and well-prepared to raise a baby, and super devoted to – and already in love – with your upcoming baby, and still hate the day-to-day reality of being pregnant.” – Sabrina Joy Stevens

32. “When I was pregnant, I was so huge and people on the bus would get up for me. That made me feel so precious and valued and valuable. I try to treat everyone like they’re pregnant.” – Mariska Hargitay

33. “That first pregnancy is a long sea journey to a country where you don’t know the language, where land is in sight for such a long time that after a while, it’s just the horizon – and then one day birds wheel over that dark shape and it’s suddenly close, and all you can do is hope like hell that you’ve had the right shots.” – Emily Perkins

34. “During my first pregnancy, the people I was around told me how great I looked, asked me how I was feeling, saved the comfiest chairs for me, and stocked the office with decaf tea. This time around, the person I spend the most time with—although she seems to think I’m swell—insists on eating my food and waking me up early every morning.” – Emily Fisk

35. “Pregnancy can be a time when you take tremendous pleasure in eating, not only because you may enjoy food more but also because you know that it is nourishing both you and your baby.” – Martha Rose and Jane L. Davis

36. “When pregnant with our first, Dean and I attended a childbirth class. There were about 15 other couples, all 6-8 months pregnant, just like us. As an introduction, the teacher asked us to share what had been our favourite part of pregnancy and the least favourite part. I was surprised by how many of the men and women there couldn’t name a favourite part. When it was my turn, I said, “My least favourite has been nausea, and my favourite is the belly.” – Shannon Hale

37. “It’s a great thing about being pregnant, you don’t need excuses to pee or eat.” – Angelina Jolie

38. “Pregnancy seems designed to prepare you for life as a mother. You start making sacrifices nine months before the child is born, so by the time they put in an appearance, you are used to giving things up for them.” – Brett Kiellerop-Morris

39. “My body has given me the greatest gift of my life.” – Hilary Duff

40. “Pregnancy is the only time when you can do nothing at all and still be productive.” – Evan Esar

41. “Being pregnant was the healthiest I’ve ever been in my life. Except for the cupcakes.” – Ashlee Simpson

42. “When you’re pregnant, you can think of nothing but having your own body to yourself again, yet after having given birth you realize that the biggest part of you is now somehow external, subject to all sorts of dangers and disappearance, so you spend the rest of your life trying to figure out how to keep it close enough for comfort. That’s the strange thing about being a mother: until you have a baby, you don’t even realize how much you were missing one.” – Jodi Picoult

43. “Pregnancy isn’t always easy. The extra emotions, fatigue, morning sickness, and difficulty to find a comfortable position to sleep. But, just knowing your baby is growing inside of you is one of the most rewarding experiences a woman can enjoy.” – Unknown

44. “Being pregnant is a pretty tough gig. You’re trying to grow a whole other person, you’re tired, your feet hurt, and you’re a little scared about the big changes you know are coming.” – Jen McGuire

Expecting Baby Girl Quotes

1. “Here comes a little baby girl, to fill our hearts and brighten our world.” – Unknown

Expecting Baby Girl Quotes

2. “Expecting a baby girl is God’s way of saying, I thought you could use a lifelong friend.” – Unknown

3. “The heavens will rejoice and the angels will sigh when your precious baby girl arrives.” – Unknown

4. “A baby girl will fill a place in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

5. “No matter what the moment, a baby girl will always render sunshine in your life with her adorable smile.” – Unknown

6. “Expecting a sweet new baby girl is a blessing for any family.” – Unknown

7. “So sweet and neat and such tiny little feet, your precious baby girl will make your lives complete!” – Unknown

8. “Very soon there will be this girl who’ll steal your heart forever and she’ll call you Daddy.” – Unknown

Expecting Baby Boy Quotes

1. “A little baby boy will fill your lives with sunshine and your hearts with love.” – Unknown

Expecting baby boy quotes:

2. “May you always know, my little boy, that you were wished for, longed for and prayed for. I love you even though we haven’t met yet.” – Unknown

3. “A baby boy has a special way of bringing out the man in his father and the little boy in his grandfather.” –Tanya Masse

4. “When a baby boy arrives everything changes just like that. The world gets bigger, hearts grow fuller, and life means more because he’s in it.” – Unknown

5. “You’ll be his first kiss, his first love, his first friend…You are his mama and he is your little boy.” – Unknown

6. “No joys on earth bring greater pleasure than a little boy to love and treasure.” – Unknown

7. “There will be this little boy who’ll steal your heart forever and he’ll call you mom.” – Unknown

8. “A little miracle sent from above, a baby boy to cuddle and love.” – Unknown

9. “His little hands will steal your heart. His little feet will run away with it!” – Unknown

10. “Coos and gurgles, and chuckles. Suddenly your baby boy fills your life with these sounds that tug your heartstrings every time.” – Unknown

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Expecting Rainbow Baby Quotes

cute newborn baby wrapped into colorful blanket with flower crown on the head

Losing a child is the biggest and most difficult pain for every parent, especially if they never even got the chance to see their little baby and to hold it in their arms.

The best comfort and the most amazing thing that can happen to them after the loss of their child is the arrival of a new baby. It’s the only thing that can help them ease the pain a little bit.

To honor all those grieving parents and to show how special rainbow babies truly are, I have compiled a list of beautiful rainbow baby quotes.

1. “When a rainbow appears, it doesn’t mean the storm never happened or that we are not still dealing with its aftermath. It means something beautiful and full of light has appeared in the midst of the darkness and clouds. Storm clouds may still hover but the rainbow provides a counterbalance of color, energy, and hope.” – Unknown

2. “When we lose one blessing, another is most often unexpectedly given in its place.” – C.S. Lewis

3. “Nobody had ever had a rainbow baby until they had the rain.” – Jim Croce

4. “Everyone looks forward to seeing the rainbow after the storm passes.” – Unknown

5. “Look for the rainbow, not the rain.” – Unknown

6. “A rainbow baby is the understanding that the beauty of a rainbow does not negate the ravage of the storm. When a rainbow appears, it doesn’t mean the storm never happened or that the family is not still dealing with its aftermath. What it means is that something beautiful and full of light has appeared in the minds of the darkness and clouds.” – Unknown

7. “The pain you have been feeling can’t compare to the joy that is coming.” – Romans 8:18

8. “All the stars in the universe danced on the day you were born.” – Unknown

9. “I believe that God sent you into my life to give me something to fight for, to show me there is love in this world, to give me hope and bring me joy. All the proof in God I need is in you. You are a gift from the heavens.” – Unknown

10. “We needed something to express our joy, our beauty, our power. And the rainbow did that.” – Gilbert Baker

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In Conclusion

Giving birth is one of the most special occasions in every woman’s life. Becoming a parent is one of the most beautiful and most challenging tasks in every person’s life.

Sometimes we can all use some word of encouragement, especially new parents. Just to know that we aren’t alone. We need someone to comfort us, telling us how everything will be just fine in the end.

That’s exactly why I’ve compiled this list of beautiful, encouraging expecting baby quotes. I wanted to inspire you to worry less and enjoy your precious moments of pregnancy.

Trust me, once your bundle of joy comes, you’ll forget everything and you’ll only be thanking God for your little miracle.

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful periods of every woman’s life and each woman that’s expecting a baby is blessed. That’s why you should enjoy every single moment of your pregnancy.

Relax. Sleep as much as you want. Take care of yourself and your little one.

Oh, and don’t forget to read these expecting baby quotes to your baby in your belly. Tell him/her how your love for them grows each passing day, how you can’t wait for the first moment you two meet.

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