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7 Best Spring Activities For Kids: Fun Ideas For Springtime Play

7 Best Spring Activities For Kids: Fun Ideas For Springtime Play

Spring is a season that marks new beginnings, new successes, and new life. A celebration of youth and all it stands for. This season is also a wonderful time for a few spring activities for kids.

While it may not be the first thing that comes to the minds of us adults – as we’re more concerned about allergies and whatnot – the season of spring is one of our kids’ favorite seasons (barring summer).

Yes, indeed, springtime is when children are most active and tend to try a lot of new things, so make sure they don’t get bored by keeping their energetic minds fueled with tons of different spring-themed kids activities.

But why spring specifically?

It’s because it comes right after the quiet and cold tones of winter, where the empty canvas slowly fills in with vibrant colors and radiant warmth as the palette of spring flowers fills our gardens and the rainy days slowly get replaced with sunshine.

It’s a period that finally allows for varied outdoor activities and houses many holidays (like Mother’s Day or Easter), which promote the creative minds of our little ones and where we get to see all of their fascinating art projects on display.

Where they get messy going through whole egg cartons to paint the perfect easter egg or empty a whole can of glitter on a thank you card for mama.

So what are all of these numerous spring activities for kids that I keep mentioning all the time?

Well, let’s find out, shall we?

7 Best Spring Activities For Kids

1. Grow ‘N Glow Terrarium

One of the most fun activities you could have your child do is help teach them about botany and growing their own plants, especially if they’re already taking a liking to it.

And what better way to do it than by letting them have their very own terrarium in a jar.

With this thing and everything that comes with it, they’ll be able to design and customize their very own miniature plot of land where they’ll experience the satisfaction of growing their very first seeds, accompanied with a few garden decorations to boot.

While it may not seem like much, the excitement on your child’s eyes when they see their first seeds bloom is immeasurable.

And they get to maintain them for two life cycles.

Seeing as I’m a green mommy through and through, I purchased one of these for my daughter wanting to see if she would enjoy cultivation, and she took to it rather quickly.

While it made me really happy, I was glad that it made her happy, as growing your own plants is an enriching experience – one that develops their nurturing skills, teaches them responsibility, and aids in expanding their creative minds in assembling such a garden in the first place.

2. Green Toys Build-a-Bouquet

This one is something for your younger kids (3 year old or so), a modular arrangement of simple flowers.

It leans more on the side of pure learning activities, but your child will no doubt get a real kick out of these, going through countless hours as they mix and match the different parts of available flowers and stack them to their heart’s content.

This allows them to create rather unique displays of their plastic gardens and, while maybe not as satisfying as a personal terrarium, it is still a rather helpful tool in helping develop your little one’s gross and fine motor skills.

Not to mention bolstering their creative cogs as they arrange stunning flower bouquets to surprise their parents with.

The best part about these flower parts is that they’re all made out of recycled plastic that is completely BPA and phthalates-free – something I keep advocating in nearly all of my articles.

Plus, all parts are dishwasher safe as well!

Sadly, I’ve missed out on these with both my kids. I would’ve liked more “flowers” lingering about my home, even if they were plastic (at least it’s recycled!)

3. Play-Doh Kitchen Creations Burger Barbecue

Something that is an all-time classic in promoting fun ideas and engaging in creative, DIY entertainment is playdough, or rather play-doh.

And this time it comes with the aid of a toy barbecue for crafting the most delicious-looking, fake hamburgers your eyes have ever laid sight upon.

The barbecue comes with molds of several foods that allow your kids to make the ideal fake meal for the whole family using the 6 provided tubs of play-doh – from burger buns and lettuce, to the cheese and sausages.

Though this type of activity might be more for the dads at home to play with their sons and teach them about that family tradition of barbecuing the perfect steak without exposing your young ones to an actual fire hazard, it’s probably the safest alternative out there.

And, who knows, maybe these toys spur your offspring onward to take cooking up as a passion rather than a simple pastime.

Maybe they’re the next Jamie Oliver in the making?

Whatever the case, I’d get some of those paper plates ready for their delicious creations so you can dig in!

4. LEGO Star Wars Tracker I 75185 Building Kit

If there was ever a company that promoted craft activities, it has got to be LEGO by far (though this may be my nerdy side flaring up).

LEGO is king as far as creativity goes; their long legacy of allowing kids crafts to shine just as much as those of adults stand the test of time even now.

The best part is that it’s suitable for all ages and everyone remembers their time with LEGOs fondly.

How such a simple tool as a building block could make a child happy, I wouldn’t know, but it makes me happy too and I don’t need to know the exact reason, just the result of it.

Maybe it’s the enticing prospect of the unlimited potential beneath their fingertips as they dig their fingers into the pile, a whole universe of play ideas right there for the taking.

Or maybe it’s the satisfaction of bringing your imagination to life in a 3D world.

And for those less creatively inclined, LEGO has us covered with their plethora of models.

One such model is a LEGO Star Wars Tracker.

Again, it might be my inner nerd talking, but when I had initially gotten this for my daughter, both her and my son worked together on assembling this massive undertaking (with supervision, of course, given the box says 8+).

While it might not see much play, the piece stands assembled in their room as a testament to what they had managed to accomplish as a team.

5. EzyRoller Classic Ride On

If you’d rather your kids spend a bit more time outdoors, at least during the non-rainy days, EzyRoller might be a consideration as a transitioning tool until they learn how to ride a bicycle.

It’s quite a bit safer than a bike and it still promotes physical activity rather than just being something you lie down in.

Plus, it’s not just single size, it’s extendable, meaning your kid will get to enjoy this as they grow older and then it’s a simple matter of downsizing should the younger child want to take it for a spin.

Another advantage EzyRoller has over a regular bike is the fact that your kids get to pilot it hands-free, allowing for much more play potential than on a bicycle.

It’s certain to be popular with preschoolers and something that will grow with them and impress their friends.

Also, it doesn’t necessarily have to be an outdoors-only item.

Given how the tires don’t leave marks, it’s perfectly safe to use in and around the house. (BUT, that said, as much as I love my kids, I would not trust them to drive this around the house and risk running into a vase when playtime gets too heated!)

6. Melissa & Doug Folding Horse Stable

Here’s something a bit safer to play with both outside and indoors, depending on how genuine your kids want the grass under their new horses’ feet to feel.

Melissa & Doug make a variety of different toys for kids and most of them tend to be rather popular, but this one in particular is somewhat unique.

Not saying it’s unique in using horses – those have been utilized time and time again, after all – but the idea of taking care of horses in a realistic-looking stable, there’s just something special about it.

Probably more of a thing for us girls as we do love our ponies when we’re that young, but boys can find enjoyment in it too if they have some hidden inclination to become cowboys or simply like horses.

7. Green Kid Crafts Discovery Box

Science and Craft Subscriptions for Children

If you’re looking to squeeze some education in for your kids during springtime but don’t have the time to figure out something that won’t seem dull to them, then you might want to give Green Kid Crafts a go.

Their eco-friendly boxes cover everything from art crafts to math crafts and they manage to make the whole process entertaining.

The best part is that it’s a subscription-based system, so you won’t get just one box for your purchase, but rather one box a month.

Projects are different every time and covers different areas of education that follow their STEAM acronym (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math), but it’s not just limited to that, as you can see upon visiting the site.

They offer these activity boxes in two different intervals: from 2-5 where kids learn more about nature, art and the world as a whole; and from 5-10 where they teach more specific things and start showing how fun STEAM activities can really be.

Of course, nothing is stopping you from keeping your subscription even when your kids outgrow them if they still enjoy them!

I’ve personally been subscribed to them for the past year and both my kids are elated to see what new things their next discovery box is going to contain.

The best part for the budget mom in this case is that sibling subscriptions save you a lot of money if you opt in for them.

Home Spring Activities

Now, these aren’t the only ways you can ensure your kids have fun during springtime.

There are plenty of other, DIY ways of providing entertainment and most of them include a wide variety of spring crafts.

Fun Easter crafts for kids

girl Easter kid crafts Nothing says craft project like grabbing a carton full of eggs, some coloring and getting to painting eggs for Easter.

It’s something no kid will ever stray away from, as personalizing an Easter egg means a lot to a child and knowing it’s theirs will make them want to do it even more (especially if it turns out to be the strongest egg of the bunch).

My kids tend to spend hours in front of a dozen eggs, placing their own little decorative symbols – my daughter resorting to flower art by using the cross-section of an okra while the son goes for some more abstract shapes (to put it simply).

But, in reality, this isn’t what they look forward to the most.

No no, their favorite Easter activity is the egg scavenger hunt and roundup as they run around the garden (or the house if it’s a rainy day) searching for all the eggs left behind by the Easter bunny in hopes of earning a reward for bringing the most in.

I am fairly certain they aren’t alone in this and that every child acts in a similar manner when it comes to egg hunts.

Art Activities

Art Activities girl in spring

It doesn’t have to exclusively be Easter for there to be artistic spring activities for kids.

Sometimes they just have an overflow of creative juices that they have to disperse on a canvas or through a craft.

After all, there are plenty of spring art projects that can pop up over the duration of the season.

Craft ideas can range from simple flower crafts like flower crowns (real or paper flowers, it doesn’t matter) and several handprints on paper holding each other tightly, to something that’s slightly more complex like baking cupcakes, constructing sensory bins for some oddly soothing sensory play or building a DIY bird feeder for any avian new arrivals.

Even the aforementioned Green Kid Crafts boxes contain a lot of fun art crafts that help your kids learn through entertainment, where each box contains a themed project your kids get to test their newfound knowledge and creativity on through carefully sculpted, kid-friendly instruction manuals.

It’s all just a matter of what your kid truly likes and then you can bring all of the collages, pencils, watercolors, toy ovens, and the like to them once you figure it out.

Even a toilet paper roll can be utilized to make great paper mache paste for more complex, 3D builds.

In Conclusion

Spring Activities For Kids As you can see, there is a great number of spring activities for kids, it’s simply up to you to figure out what your child likes through a lot of trial and error.

It’s all in good fun after all.

I’d suggest starting off with gathering some local forest materials to start on some nature crafts with your kids, maybe catalogue a herbarium or have something to glue to a sheet of paper to give their drawings a more “lifelike” feel to them.

If you have too many ideas to count, I’d suggest doing one or two a day and switching it up every now and again.

Maybe create a schedule if you’re really organized, so one day it’s using coffee filters to paint interesting patterns on their paintings and then it’s staring at the suncatcher for the next one, then making a butterfly or other some other paper craft the day after – and so on and so forth.

I’d personally try to stray away from any math activities until your kids are at least attending primary school, but each parent has their own methods.

One final thing to keep in mind before I sign off is that as long as you keep to the Montessori way of parenting, you can do no wrong in picking a host of activities for your kids and you to enjoy together or on their own.

READ NEXT: Enjoying The Sunshine: 10 Best Summer Activities For Toddlers

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7 Best Spring Activities For Kids: Fun Ideas For Springtime Play

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