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The Best Social Media Pregnancy Announcement Ideas In 2022

The Best Social Media Pregnancy Announcement Ideas In 2022

Many moms of the modern age opt for a social media pregnancy announcement over an in-person one because it’s much easier to set up and reaches a lot more people.

This is especially true because many celebrities have opted for social media pregnancy announcements themselves to feel a bit closer to their fans and followers, and a good number of these want to emulate that experience too.

It gets a bigger buzz going and people get to share the experience with their loved ones instantly without having to rack-up the phone bill by delivering the happy news to everyone.

And it’s a good thing too, because as soon as this fad started trending, people, especially celebrities, have started making some rather creative pregnancy announcements.

Whether it’s Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Pinterest or Twitter, the creative ways in which some baby announcements are made will either melt your heart or have you cheering and congratulating the new parents on the latest addition to their family.

While that’s all well and good, it’s worth noting that there are some aspects of these social media pregnancy announcements, namely the environment they exist in, which can have an adverse effect and cause more stress than joy.

I’ll cover both the benefits and the dangers of using social media as an outlet for big moments in your life, as well as offering a series of ideas about how to announce your pregnancy, with some quotes to serve as inspiration of your own should you choose to do it.

Let’s begin.

14 Social Media Pregnancy Announcement Ideas

1. Utilizing the sonogram of the baby

Photo of an ultrasound sonogram of an unborn baby

The simplest of the bunch, but still pretty fun-loving, is to use the sonogram of your baby as a prop in your social media pregnancy announcement.

You can either pose with it yourself by placing it on your belly to act as an X-ray of sorts, or have it held up with your partner with some cute or funny caption like, “Our little circus is about to have 3 rings”. Doesn’t have to be anything too elaborate.

If you’re not looking for too much pomp and flair behind your announcement then this might be the best way to do a pregnancy reveal to your friends and family.

2. Using a chalkboard

couple holding blackboard with drawing of family on it

Another silly little pregnancy reveal idea with great results and minimal effort on your end is to simply use a chalkboard for your announcement photo.

Grab some colored chalk and take a photo of yourself writing down some random equation that ends up with a baby as the result.

Of course, don’t forget to look deep in thought or like you’ve just had a Eureka moment, with a caption like, “We’ve found the missing formula!”

It’s sure to get everyone excited or at least make them crack a warm smile.

When I first saw this one, I was slightly upset at myself that I didn’t think of it before (especially considering I used to be a teacher).

3. Future big brother/big sister

Boy sitting in mom's lap with sonogram of his brother or sister outdoors

This one is for all of you who are already parents and have a new child on the way. While this is a rather popular way of announcing the big news, it’ll always be considered heartwarming thanks to the inclusion of the soon-to-be older sibling.

The way it’s done is that you either have a sign pointing toward your current child that says “Future big brother / big sister” or you get them a shirt or a onesie that says the same thing on it.

Another cool idea is to have your son or daughter sit in your lap while they’re holding an ultrasound photo of your future baby.

Some even include a onesie for their future newborn that says “Big pants to fill”, or something similar.

4. Pizza box shenanigans

young pregnant woman eating a slice of pizza in the kitchen

Here’s one that manages to both deliver the news in a hilarious way and ends up scoring you some lunch in the process.

The idea is that you make a little collage of you getting a rather large pizza, opening the box and the final image showing a note inside saying, “Guess I’m eating for two now” with your belly bump in a shot (and you with an innocent-looking shrug).

And hey, the announcement prop is edible afterwards so it’s money well spent!

5. Getting a card to announce your pregnancy

cute little baby sneackers and the card with note on the table

Another rather simple and non-extravagant way of doing a social media pregnancy announcement is by buying a pregnancy announcement card from Amazon or your local store, something that looks cute enough, and then by writing something inside.

It could be something simple like “Adding one more to the pack”, as long as it’s short and legible.

Once you’re done personalizing it, you can set it up in a little nest and take a picture of it, all nice and cozy, and share it on social media.
That way you get to save a bit of money by not having to buy dozens of cards while still getting the same effect!

6. Putting baby shoes in the shot

photo of little baby shoes on the grey carpet

This one is a classic for mammas everywhere, and arguably one of the most adorable and simple pregnancy announcement ideas out there for good reason.

And, once again, you’re simply using what you were going to buy anyway as soon as you find out if it’s a boy or a girl.

This can be done in a variety of different ways, though I do have a couple of favorites. You can either set out a pair of shoes for yourself, your partner and your upcoming baby on a doormat that simply says “Welcome home.”

Or, you can take the pairs of shoes and hang them somewhere like a fireplace to act as a stocking, or on a drying rack, with another silly message like, “I predict more laundry in future!”, or, “Seems like Santa’s adding a nice new girl/boy to the list!”

I’m sure this one will melt your friends’ hearts.

7. Having a bun in the oven

beautiful pregnant woman baking cookies in the kitchen

Turning the age old saying, “having a bun in the oven” into a literal one, this method of announcing your pregnancy is (relatively) simple to do. Depends on how well you can bake really, hah.

Two great ideas tied to this one, too. You could simply have an oven with the light on in the background with you in front with the bump on display (and maybe even a bit of flour for décor) with the title, “There’s a bun in the oven!”

The other idea is to actually bake a cake and take a picture of it in the oven with the caption, “Looks like mama’s cooking!” with some baby emojis on the side.

Your friends and family are gonna eat it up!

8. An eggcellent way to announce your pregnancy

cute chicken baby toy in egg shell

Nothing says “new family member” like an egg hatching. It has long been a symbol of new life, not just for birds, but in general, and it’s a perfect opportunity to make a creative little baby announcement.

You can either empty out the yoke from a regular egg and put a tiny little toy baby in it, peeking out from under a broken shell, or you can go a bit more artsy and make a paper maché one in a similar manner.

Bonus points if you do it during Easter for some extra effect!

9. Due date baby announcement

test strip placed on white calendar with pink heart on 14 date

Sometimes, you don’t need to get too clever or be too outright say that you have a baby coming. You don’t even have to use words.

Sometimes, a picture can speak a thousand words and that’s the case with this one.

All you have to do is grab a calendar, maybe one with a nice little theme to help further decorate the announcement and mark off the due date with a drawing of a pacifier, maybe even placing a small caption reading, “Coming soon…”.

It’s cute, doesn’t take a lot of effort and is sure to get all your fellow mammas riled up, showering you with words of praise and encouragement.

10. Morning sickness used in a positive way

pregnant woman feel sick on bed in the room and husband holding a glass of water

This one might fit your partner more, but it’s still a rather funny way to announce your pregnancy to the world. A bit of humor at your own expense to make it a bit more endearing to everyone who sees it on social media.

All you need is a photo of you hanging over a toilet bowl ready to hurl with your partner looking smug alongside a caption saying, “I have to do the hard work”, while he can put, “I hope it’s not my cooking that did this.”

I’m definitely not the best caption maker and I’m sure you can think of something better for this image, but sometimes showing the less glamorous (real) side of pregnancy gets a better response, especially when lightened up with a bit of a positive vibe.

11. Making use of food cravings as an announcement theme

young pregnant woman eating different types of food in bed

Another food-related way to share the big news with all your friends is by playing to the food cravings aspect of pregnancy that you’ve no doubt begun getting.

This one might look a bit messy, but that’s the fun of it, and it can be done in so many ways.

The two that come to mind take inspiration from the one Kevin Jonas and his wife posted a few years back.

The one with him reading a book on fatherhood with the mom surrounded by a ton of snacks and foods that she’s been scoffing down during her first trimester.

The other one involves writing them all down on a piece of paper with your belly bump in the shot with the caption saying, “Guess the grocery list is getting bigger then…”. You can even look a bit worried for extra effect.

12. Assembling a superhero team

pregnant woman dressed up as superhero with red cape

On a more creative side of social media pregnancy announcements, you can do a superhero photoshoot.

​It doesn’t have to include a full costume, but you can get yourself a Supergirl T-shirt with your belly bump showing with the message, “Every superhero needs a sidekick” or, “I make humans. What’s your superpower?” on the side.

It’s a bit less on the nose and isn’t something everyone does too often, but that’s precisely what makes it uniquely endearing and special.
Plus, you might favor this one if you’re a fan of comic book heroes!

Alternatively, you can choose the fantasy route and dress up as a bunch of hobbits with your partner and take a picture together with your stomach on display saying “We’re going on an adventure!”

13. Taking advantage of cute onesies

couple with matching shirts holding baby onesie for their future baby

Another good way to show your friends on social media that you have a baby on the way is to get a onesie for your future child with you and your partner holding it on separate ends while making a face, or something of the sort, to make the photo more engaging.

And, of course, you can add a catchy caption like, “Best oops ever!”, or something similar, that you can put on a sign you got off Etsy, or a printable one that you had made earlier. Anything you feel fits the mood you two are in at the time!

14. Pregnancy test announcement

pregnancy test with baby shoes and toy on the blackboard

And, finally, the simplest of all ways to announce a pregnancy, but by no means less spectacular than the others, is to simply use the pregnancy test that surprised you two in the first place.

You can picture it alone on a table or include it as part of a scene. The sky’s the limit with this one, really.

It doesn’t need to take a lot of effort, nor does it need any extra props. It’s a simple way to make a pregnancy announcement if you don’t want to overcomplicate things.

76 Social Media Pregnancy Announcement Quotes

While all the methods listed above are great, what makes them even better is sticking the appropriate quote with them. That’s why I’ve included a few on here that might tickle your fancy and fuel your inspiration for your own take on them.

Cute baby announcement quotes

couple in shirts holding cute baby shoes in their hands

Starting off with the cream of the crop, here are some cute baby announcement quotes to make your social media pregnancy announcement all the more adorable:

1. “Ten little fingers, ten little toes. With love and grace, our family grows. This precious soul, so sweet and new. This little life, a dream come true.”

2. “Nine months is not so long when you are waiting for the little love of your life.”

3. “A child is the richness of tradition, the excitement of youth, and the promise of tomorrow. We’re expecting our tomorrow on (date).”
4. “Our greatest adventure begins on (date).”

5. “Come next (month), I’ll make my debut into this world and I can’t wait to meet all of you! With love, baby (your last name).”

6. “We’re adding a new little pumpkin to our patch!”

7. “Here’s to new life, new thrills, and new challenges. Our baby is on the way and (parents’ names) are parents to be.”

8. “Two tiny hands, two tiny feet, a baby girl/baby boy we can’t wait to meet. We will be welcoming (baby’s name) to the world (date).”

9. “We can’t wait to tell you with joy over the moon, that our bundle of joy is coming soon.”

10. “Something fantastic is making us glad! We’re changing our names to Mom and Dad.”

11. “It’s time to add another branch to our family tree. We’ll be needing an extra bed for a special bundle of joy. I’m pregnant!”

12. “We’ve waited for a while, to share our lovely news, looks like we’ll be shopping for some tiny, little shoes.”

13. “The nicest things come in small packages, wrapped in joy, filled with goodness, and sent with love. We are proud to announce we are expecting.”

14. “When you become a mother, you stop being the picture and start being the frame.”

15. “We’re preparing for 9 months to fall in love for a lifetime.”

16. “First came love, then came you.”

17. “Who knew that such small feet could leave such big imprints on your heart.”

18. “Roses are red, violets are blue, in (date) our baby is due!”

19. “Our baby is already holding us by the heart. We can’t wait to meet him/her!”

20. “Our hearts are filled with happiness, our lives are filled with love, because we are expecting the baby boy/baby girl that we’ve been dreaming of.”

21. “We have waited so long for this special day to announce to you – we have a baby on the way! What will our little peanut be? We just have to wait and see!”

22. “There are many great firsts in life: first steps, first car, first kiss, and now first baby. We are excited to announce we are expecting ours on (date).”

Funny pregnancy announcement quotes

Happy young couple announcing their pregnancy at a party

If you’re looking for something a little more on the lighter side, you might want to give some of these a go. Some of them can even fit alongside your household pets. You can even attach a letter board to their collar with the due date written on it.

1. “It’s official! I’m getting a little brother/sister!”

2. “My little chick is going to hatch.”

3. “We’re going to need a bigger car.”

4. “Best oops ever!”

5. “Guard dog duty begins (your due date).”

6. “If you think I can cause trouble, wait until you meet my little brother/sister.”

7. “Baby shark due, due, due… (your due date).”

8. “Bun in the oven and burgers on the grill – the baby bump made me do it!”

9. “The battle for mom and dad’s attention begins.”

10. “Cat’s out of the bag. We’re expecting a little girl/little boy in (date).”

11. “What do I have in common with a baker baking a roll? We both have a bun in the oven!”

12. “Everyone, leave me alone. I’ve had a busy day being pregnant and I have to do it again tomorrow.”

13. “We love big bumps and we cannot lie!”

14. “It’s all fun and games until somebody gets pregnant!”

15. “There’s nothing like a brand new pair of genes. That’s right, we are expecting a baby. Celebrate with us on (due date).”

16. “One of us is eating for two, while the other is drinking for two.”

17. “We have decided that we no longer want to sleep, have time to ourselves, or live in a clean house. I’m pregnant!”

18. “I’m waiting for my new best friend.”

19. “It’s time for the news to drop: I’m going to pop!”

20. “Pregnancy is all about balance. That’s why I’ve got a chicken nugget in each hand. Eating for 2! That’s right we’re expecting a baby!”

21. “Not a waddle. Just pregnancy swag.”

22. “Sorry, I can’t. I’m busy growing a human.”

23. “I grow humans. What’s your superpower?”

24. “The time has come to buy some Lego because we found out that I’m preggo!”

25. “My head says salad but my bump says burgers and fries.”

26. “Have a drink for me – I am pregnant!”

27. “On (due date), we’ll be popping bottles of a different kind! We’re expecting a baby!”

28. “Our little circus is about to have three rings.”

29. “Now, you can stop asking when we’re going to have a baby.”

30. “Adding one more to the pack.”

31. “I thought I was your little baby.”

32. “We are pregnant! Don’t cry for us. We did it on purpose.”

33. “What’s one more? We’ve done this before!”

34. “We’re adding a high chair to our table for two.”

Quotes for announcing a pregnancy with existing kids

mother and father standing with their baby and with future baby shoes

If this isn’t your first time at the rodeo and you already have a healthy little boy/girl (or more), then you might wanna give some of these quotes a try. They work super well when the older sibling(s) is/are in the picture.

1. “Being a big sister/brother is way better than being an only child!”

2. “Oh, brother! There’s another?!”

3. “I’m being promoted to big brother/sister on (date).”

4. “We’re about to outnumber mom and dad on (date).”

5. “Big sister/brother – they say it’s a promotion but all I see is no pay rise and more responsibility!”

6. “Player 1 is ready, player 2 is loading!”

7. “Every superhero needs a sidekick. (Baby’s name) arriving (date).”

Quotes for announcing a pregnancy for twins, triplets (or more!)

Infant booties for twins, one boy one girl in a fall outdoor nature setting

Sometimes life ends up surprising us and what we think is one baby turns out to be more. So why not share that same level of surprise you’ve had with others through these lovely quotes?

1. “We thought we were doing simple addition but we multiplied instead!”

2. “Two precious bundles to cuddle and kiss. Life just doesn’t get any better than this!”

3. “Miracles come in pairs/threes.”

4. “Our team has already won, we’re expecting a daughter and son.”

5. “We have two more reasons to celebrate this year!”

6. “Sometimes you pray for a miracle, and God gives you two.”

7. “We prayed for one but were blessed with two. Our twins are coming (date).”

8. “Pink or blue? Either will do! We just know there are two.”

9. “We have two bundles of joy in custody. Release date (your due date).”

10. “Our happiness has been doubled as we announce that we are expecting baby twins.”

11. “Two little blessings sent from above. Twice the smiles, twice the love.”

12. “Our family is growing by four feet and two hearts.”

13. “We just found out we’re getting the 2-for-1 special!”

What Makes Social Media Pregnancy Announcements So Exciting?

happy woman taking picture of positive pregnancy test in the bathroom

As you can see, there are plenty of examples here where a pregnancy reveal is presented in a fun way. You can get more creative because it’s more visual, and you have a near-empty canvas to present your most ingenious ideas and share your big news.

Announcing a pregnancy in-person to your family or friends is more intimate but online, you can get as silly as you’d like!

It becomes even more exciting news for your friends and family members when you’re a first time mom bearing her first child.

I’ll use my first announcement as an example. It was a slideshow of pictures taken around Christmas with my husband coming in as Santa Claus and delivering a present.

I then open it and find a positive pregnancy test inside alongside a little hat that I then place on my growing belly.

It’s certainly not the most creative way of announcing a pregnancy out there, but it was something that helped me relieve the initial anxiety that came with my own realization.

It gave me an outlet through which to funnel all my emotions and filter them out properly.

Plus, all of the initial messages of shock and positivity, as well as my poor inbox overloading, and my phone constantly buzzing, were a welcome surprise.

My mom had almost fainted when she found out and my brother’s response, being the jokester that he is, was a parody mock-up of the Christmas pregnancy announcement pic that I made, except with his own belly sticking out.

It was a rather lovely treat all around and I appreciated all the warm messages, as well as the positive energy surrounding the event.

I wish I had done it the first time around too because it helped encourage and reinvigorate my passion for motherhood, as well as dispel all of those worrisome thoughts I always have whenever I try doing something new, new baby included.

I just chose to take a risk and do it, never expecting the sort of response I got, and being pleasantly surprised when I saw just how well it turned out, and this was only something pretty basic.

Other people don’t just resort to pregnancy announcement photo collages, but full-on announcement videos that are professionally edited, and so darling that one can’t help but fawn over how much effort was put into it.

That said, a picture speaks a thousand words, so don’t feel pressured, or like you have to go out of your way and break your family budget on something that’s meant to be a bit of simple fun.

It’s not a competition by any means, but rather one more extra thing you can do to help you express your excitement at becoming a mom for the first or any other time alongside baby showers and gender reveal parties.

And the fact that it’s optional is what makes it good, just don’t let any of your relatives announce the big news ahead of you if you tell them prior to making the announcement yourself.

But, the greatest thing about it is that making a social media pregnancy announcement can serve as a keepsake for later.

Think of it as your personal family photo album where you get to archive a single moment for a long time. Something you can always look back on fondly and show to your darling little angel when he/she grows up so you can reminisce on it together.

Think of it like a family album full of memories that instantly get saved so you don’t have to go through all the trouble of developing the pictures and worrying that the physical version gets misplaced somewhere.

The Bad Side Of Social Media

smiling pregnant woman lying on the couch and taking a selfie

Before you go out and post the pregnancy announcement of your first baby, I want to make sure that you’re aware of some of the dangers of platforms like these, too.

It’s not all sunshine and happiness all the time. There are some cases where it can be more of a dreadful experience than anything.

We live in an age where access to the internet has become a basic human right. This means that everyone has access to the internet, the good and the bad folk.

That’s why you have to be careful where you share your birth announcements, as well as to whom.

1. The Trolling

Cyberbullying has been on the rise ever since the internet has become an affordable commodity. The anonymity it provides can sometimes bring out the worst in people especially if you don’t limit your announcement to just a tight circle of friends and family.

This is what brings the so-called trolls in, people who have nothing better to do with their time than besmirch and ruin the idea behind anything if it doesn’t fit with their ideal narrative.

These are people who can’t let others enjoy celebrating some of their happiest moments, people who feel entitled and feel like they have to make a negative comment, without a single regard for the negative effect it’s going to have on their target.

They choose to not follow the rule of, “If you don’t like it, stay out of it.” and think the internet has to be made precisely to their specifications.

The comments they leave can outright sour the mood, and arguing with them only fuels this negativity further, leaving a stain on what was supposed to be a rather joyous occasion for you, your friends and your family.

Not to mention it completely negates the most important benefit of positive vibes and confidence that the act was meant to instill, and replaces them with dread and intensified anxiety in most cases.

2. The lack of privacy

Committing to a social media pregnancy announcement means renouncing almost all privacy regarding that moment which might make it feel a little less special for some of you.

If that’s the case, I’d suggest holding a more intimate event to make said announcement. A small social gathering of your closest friends and family, much like a gender reveal party or a pseudo baby-shower, minus any of the gifts.

But, the fact of the matter is, the internet is a very public place and other people having access to everything you post can feel like it knocks the wind out of your sails for occasions like these.

If that’s the case, then I feel that something like this might not be up your alley, which is completely fine. It’s important to take a moment and balance the positives and the negatives that sharing intimate moments of your life to the public bring.

As a blogger, for me it was definitely a decision that took some time to come to. As much as I love talking about my kids and my family experiences as a whole, I’m rather reserved when it comes to social media.

I try to stay away from it as much as possible specifically to avoid all the potential negative backlash that it could bring, and I was scared to share my excitement with the world for the longest time.

My husband managed to talk me into it and I was glad I took the step forward, but I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t feel extremely anxious about it regardless of its overall success.

​3. The permanence

This one kind of plays into the privacy thing, but it’s an aspect that’s more important for your kids down the line, more than for yourself.

Because, you see, keeping an online photo album of your child, while adorable to us, might become a nightmare for your baby boy or baby girl when they grow up, specifically because of the longevity of these fond memories.

That their friends will be able to see their sometimes embarrassing baby photos online whenever they want could, in turn, embarrass them in front of their peers.

The fact that it stays there for such a long time will turn into a detriment if you don’t limit the number of people who can take a peek at those photos, which is something I wholeheartedly recommend doing.

As much as I enjoyed sharing photos of my kids with my friends to show them how cute my little girl was when she was still getting potty trained, I know to do it in a more private environment.

Sure, she has only just turned 8, but I’d rather not risk her having a bad memory caused by me if I can avoid it.

In Conclusion

Doing a social media pregnancy announcement has been gaining popularity far and wide.

It’s a way to celebrate one of the happiest moments in your life by sharing it with friends and family almost instantly and seeing how they react.

It’s also a rather entertaining way to occupy your time and flex your creative muscles while bringing you some much-needed stress relief over the upcoming pregnancy and motherhood periods.

And you’re free to do almost anything that you’d like, from printing out t-shirts that signify a new arrival into the family, or putting a pair of little shoes next to your own on a welcome mat, to clever captions like, “Now I’m eating for two”, or a baby bump photoshoot.

Anything goes, but it’s important to remember that you don’t have to go all out for it. The best ways to announce your pregnancy are the DIY ones, regardless of how much effort was put into them.

You’re doing them for your sake after all, not for the sake of others, so it’s good once you’re satisfied with it.

Just remember to properly curate who you’re sending these announcements to and who has access to it in the future.

You want to filter out any potential negativity about your big news and to save your child from any potentially embarrassing moments further down the line.


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